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Writing Roles

Publicity Manager - Blue Bicycle Books

August 2018 - Present

Maintain blog posts and event broadcasting. For things involving YALLFest, I monitor publishing analyses by pulling and collating data from NPD, Bookscan, & Edelweiss. Through analyses, I help decide on what stock to order for author’s signings. I also navigate author stock signings and preorders.

CisternYard Media

Script Writer

Features Editor

Staff Reporter

January 2017 - May 2019

Script Writer

  • Communicate with video director on length of content needed. I effectively round up the events at CofC for the week.

Features Editor

  • Manage writers in assigned section through weekly conferences. Through submitted articles by my writers, I edit and maintain organized and fluid articles by extensive knowledge of APA.

Staff Reporter

  • Attend multiple weekly meetings to communicate & plan with staff. Write weekly drafts for publishing in magazines or online.

Journalist of the Year

May 2019

I was honored by being awarded the certificate of Journalist of the Year. The selection was amongst 15 journalists who worked alongside me during one of our publication's finest years.

South Carolina Press Association

May 2019

My team at CisternYard was nominated for a total of 8 awards in the year 2019. Two of my most notable awards being that I came in third place for editorial writing and my team came in second place for overall staff excellence.

College Media Association Conference

I attended the 3-day 2019 conference in NYC by select invitation from my college. I took multiple courses and some incredibly valuable ones being FBI interviewing strategies, digital design, and reporting techniques.

March 2019

Director of Publications - CharlesCarter

Assist with recruitment & establishing the new campus chapter and Collaborate with sister establishment at Chapel Hill. Maintain strict publishing schedule. I also adapt the content for disability services by recording audio content of all published content.

January 2017 - August 2018

Hibernian Scholar


The Hibernian Society is a local society in Charleston that seeks to aid struggling students. I have been honored to be given the title of most distinguished within the group of my fellow recipients.

Study Abroad - Communications & Journalism in Prague, Czech Republic

Pieces of My Career



May & June, 2019

The experience of touring this organization twice and being mentored by some of its most incredibly talented journalists was among my most memorable times abroad.


Radio Prague International

May, 2019

My mentor, a former employee during the communist era, took my group through this historical landmark. We gathered to discuss media and its importance with some of the radio's current employees.


Bloomberg Office

May & July, 2019

Luckily, I was honored enough to be mentored by the Prague Bloomberg office's founding members. It was an experience that taught the importance of fact checking and reporting valuable information for the audience.


Museum of Communism

June & July, 2019

I include this in my portfolio because I want my future employer to understand the value I place in free media. The museum, which I toured twice, gave insight that urged a promise to protect that right.


National Monument to the Heroes of the Heydrich Terror

June, 2019

This sight marks the place where Reinhard Heydrich's assassinators were found and attacked. The men killed themselves before the Nazi's could break in, but it was an eery sight to see where their bodies once lay. It made me realize the value of life and death in a time where people fought and died for just the possibility of freedom; freedom that is so

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